
Friday, December 18, 2015

摩卡千层蛋糕 Mocha Lapis Legit

It's been a while since my last attempt on making Indonesia lapis cake. The previous attempts did not yield the outcome as what I hoped and this time round I was determined to seek another recipe until I find the right one. So I did.

All thanks to Bitter Sweet Spicy for her wonderful lapis cake recipe that boost up my confidence is making lapis cake. Her arrays of lapis legit cake look so tempting and all out there for everyone to try. 
非常感恩于博友Bitter Sweet Spicy 无私般的分享她多种无失败的多项印尼千层蛋糕食谱, 我才能再次找回信心来制做千层蛋糕。你若有兴趣可以过去她的博客看看及尝试不同类的千层蛋糕食谱

The 6 long hours of preparation and baking sure paid off for me this time. The cake turned out beautifully and taste like commercial made ones. 

Mocha Lapis Legit
(Recipe inspired by Bitter Sweet Spicy)

Ingredients 材料
1 Tbsp Powdered Drinking Chocolate 巧克力粉饮料
1 Tbsp Instant Coffee Granules 速溶咖啡冲剂
2 Tbsp Hot Water 热水

500g Salted Butter 咸牛油
150g Sweetened Condensed Milk 甜炼奶
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract 香草精
100g Castor Sugar 细糖
65g Low Protein Flour 蛋糕粉
25 Egg Yolks 蛋黄

Directions 做法

Preheat oven on top grill mode at 180C degrees.

Cut butter into small cubes and transfer into a mixing bowl. Set aside to soften at room temperature.

Grease and line the bottom part of an 8x8 inch cake mould.

Combine ingredients (A) till evenly mixed.

Cream the butter until smooth. Add in condensed milk and vanilla extract. Set the stand or hand mixer on medium speed, cream the butter until pale and creamy. Set aside.
用搅拌器把牛油打松,加入炼奶和香草精。 继续把材料以中速拌打至蓬鬆泛白。搁置待用。

In another separate mixing bowl, combine egg yolks with sugar and whisk until pale and thick while leaving a trail when the whisk is lifted.

Fold in beaten butter with a spatula or hand whisk till incorporated.

Sieve in flour and fold until well blended.

Heat up the cake mould in the oven.

Equally divide cake batter into 2 portions. One portion to fold in with the chocolate mocha (A) mixture with the other portion to remain as it is.

Scoop 2 big spoonfuls of the plain batter into the heated cake mould. Swirl the mould around to allow the batter to melt and evenly spread around the mould.

Transfer the cake pan to the upper grilling / baking tray of the oven and grill at 8-10 mins until the layer turns golden brown.

Remove cake pan from oven. Use the back of a spoon to press and level out the cake layer. Scoop another 2 big spoonfuls of the plain batter into the cake pan. Grill it for 8-10 mins as per the earlier indicated instructions.

Repeat the same process with another 3 to 4 layers of the plain batter. Thereafter, start applying the mocha batter for the subsequent middle layers until finish.

Again, repeat layering and grilling the balance plain batter into the cake pan until completed.

After spreading the last layer, switch the oven to bake mode and bake the cake in the middle tray at 180C degrees for 8-10 mins.

Unmould cake and allow to cool on cooling rack. Best eaten on the following day onwards.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

素豆奶咖喱马铃薯 Vegetarian Potato Curry Rendang

Conventional rendang calls for the use of coconut milk, galangal , lemongrass and kafffir lime leaves combined with other spices. And having to braise for longer period of cooking time till the spices are fully enriched into the dish.
一般传统的仁当咖喱都是采用椰奶,南疆,香茅, kaffir lime leaves 及其他香料。此外,还需要较长的焖煮时间直到香料完全透入食物内。

Unlike most rendang curry which involves longer preparation and cooking time, I decided to come up with an quick and easy version. These days, you could have many commercially packed rendang spices to choose from. However, being a buddhist vegan who also don't consume the five pungent spices commonly found into commercially packed rendang spices, I opted to make do with simple measures. There is no need for blending of the rempah but merely based on simple and direct way of mixing it for the cooking. 
以其跟随传统任当咖喱的较长准备及烹饪时间,我决定采用这个快速简便的版本。虽然您可以容易在市场上购买到许多品牌的商业包装现成的调料,然而,我是因为跟随着佛教信仰吃素及不吃葷菜 唯有自己随便下手配制。通常上,一般商业包装的调料都含又少许的葱,因此我没选上商业包装的调料来做这道菜。这是一道即简单又不须要采用搅拌机来混合调料的食谱。

This recipe will be a good 'quick fix' method of making rendang curry when you do not wish to spend too much time on them. I also opted for soy milk instead of coconut milk after having been recently fed my family with coconut milk laced cooking.

Vegetarian Potato Curry Rendang

Ingredients 材料
500g Potato 马铃薯
200g Carrot 红萝卜
2g Ginger 疆

3 Tbsp Vegetarian Curry Powder 素咖喱粉
3 Tbsp Water 清水

1 Packet Instant Soya Milk Powder 即溶豆奶粉
250ml Hot Water 热水

2 Tbsp Cooking Oil 食油
1-1/2 Tbsp Red Chilli Powder 辣椒粉
1/2 Tsp Salt 盐
1 Tbsp Tomato Ketchup 番茄酱
1/2 Tsp Mushroom Powder 香菇粉
500ml Water 清水

Directions 做法

Peel and wash ingredients (A). Cut potatoes and carrots into bite size.

Cook potatoes and carrot in boiling water for 12-15 mins until softened.

Finely chop ginger and set aside.

Combine ingredients curry powder with water (B) until it form a paste. Set aside.

Dilute one packet of instant soy milk powder with hot water (C). Set aside.

Heat up 2 Tbsp cooking oil in a frying pan or wok, add chopped ginger and saute till fragrant. Stir in curry powder paste and continue stir fry the paste under medium low heat for a minute before adding in chili powder. Continue stir frying the curry chill paste for another 5-6 minutes until fragrant and the paste starts to darken.  When the paste starts glisten and the oil begins to surface and separate from the paste.

Toss in potatoes and carrots and continue stir frying for 4-5 minutes till the rendang curry chili paste incorporated.
加入马铃薯和红萝卜再翻炒4-5 分钟至入味。

Add water and allow to salute for 2 minutes until the mixture starts to boil. Add soy milk and salt. Continue simmering the curry for 5 minutes. 

Add mushroom powder and tomato ketchup and stir till incorporated. 

At this point, you may add extra 1/2 to 1 Tbsp chill powder if you are really into hot spicy food otherwise you may omit this step.

Allow the curry to simmer under medium low heat for 12-15 mins. Add extra water if mixture is overly dry.

Add additional salt or sugar to season if needed. 

Serve with warm rice.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

印尼蔬菜咖喱米糕 Lontong Sayur

Following last week posting on Vegetarian Gado Gado Longtong, I am still left with half of the lontong (banana leaf wrapped rice cake) enough for me to embark on this recipe. This is another simple but yet popular meal frequently sought at home. Guest who were served this meal liked it very much and hence I decided to share it in my blog as per many's request.
自从我前几天在博客所分享的印尼加多加多沙拉之后,家里还剩有米糕 lontong 让我可以再次制做另一道全家所喜爱的‘印尼蔬菜咖喱米糕’。这是一道即简单又可口美味的印尼佳肴。每当家里有客人到来,一旦吃了这道菜肴都会要求跟她们分享食谱。因此,我便借这个机会在博客里跟大家分享。

Again, I have my Indonesian maid to thank for as she patiently prepared and demonstrated the process in detail. For this recipe, it is best eaten with lontong (banana leaf wrapped rice) instead of the usual boiled rice. However, if you find it tedious to create everything from scratch you could also make lontong with the store bought ones.
这此我得感恩于家中的印尼女庸热心帮助和她耐心的一一准备一切过程才得已完成写出这道食谱. 通常这道菜肴都是以米糕lontong一起吃的。若是您嫌制做米糕lontong麻烦的话,你也可采用市场 贩卖的即熟米糕来配吃也行。

This recipe can be altered to a vegetarian version by omitting the garlic, onion and dried shrimps. 


Lontong Sayur

3 Cups Rice 百米
1.2 Litres Water 清水
6-10 pcs Banana Leaves 香蕉叶
18-30 pcs Raffia Strings of 30cm Length 拉菲绳剪成30cm长度

Method 做法

Clean the banana leaves and steam for 3-4 mins. Set aside.

Wash and drain rice.

In a deep bowl frying pot, add water and rice. Stir fry the rice until softened and 90% of the water being absorbed.

Place 2 scoop of the semi cooked rice onto a piece of banana leaf. Compress the rice firmly onto the banana leaf and roll into a tight cylinder with fold both ends downwards. Secure the wrapped lontong  by binding 3 sections of raffia strings along the length of the rolled up lontong rice.

Immersed the entire batch of wrapped lontong rice cake into a pot of boiling water deep enough to cover the entire lot and cook for 1-1/2 hours. Set aside.

300g Long Beans 长豆角


3 pcs Fresh Bay Leaves 月桂叶 
3 Stalks Lemongrass 香茅
2cm Galangal 南疆 
5 Cloves Garlic 蒜瓣
5 pcs Shallots 葱
6 Red Chilis 红辣椒
4 Candlenuts 石栗
20g Dried Shrimps 虾米干

2 Tbsp Cooking Oil 食油
1500ml Thin Coconut Milk 淡椰汁
500ml Thick Coconut Milk 浓椰汁
1 Tbsp Sugar 糖
4 Tsp Salt 盐

Fried Shallots 炸葱 (for garnishing 表面装饰)

Method 做法

Wash and drain all vegetables (B).

Shred away the skin of the squash chayote.

Cut both chayote squash and tempe into 2 cm length.

Cut long beans into 1cm strips and break petai (bitter beans) into half.

In a stone mortar, combine chili, onion and garlic. Use a pestle and grind it to form a paste.
在石臼上加入红辣椒, 葱及蒜,以石杵把材料磨碎。

Add dried shrimp into the chili paste and continue grinding it to incorporate into the paste. Lightly mashed the galangal into the mixture. Set aside.

In a wok heat up the oil under medium heat, stir in the chili shrimp paste and continue stir frying for 1-2 minutes until aromatic. 

Add lemongrass and bay leaves. Continue stir frying for another minute. 

Gradually add in all the vegetables (B) in sequence. Continue tossing the ingredients for a couple of minutes.

Pour the thin coconut milk into the wok and cook together with the vegetables under medium heat for 20-25mins until softened.

Transfer all to a pot. Add thick coconut milk and allow to boil a further 5 mins before adding in the sugar and salt.

Discard banana leaves and cut the lontong rice into bite size. Pour hot vegetable curry over the rice cake and serve.

Monday, December 14, 2015

百合绿豆糖水 Green Mung Bean Soup Dessert

Yesterday was a day for my hubby to relax after being away on business trips for a week. So during days when he is home, I would be busy cooking and preparing food to beef him up. Since he loves 'Tong Shui' hence I settled for this nourishing mung bean soup for his afternoon tea break.

According to traditional medicine's studies recorded that green mung bean skin is a powerful heat expelling and diuretic agent which help to purge out pathogenic heat by purging through urination thus relieving us of many heat related ailments. 

Green Mung Bean Soup Dessert


200g Green Beans 绿豆
2000ml Water 清水
170g Rock Sugar 冰糖
10g Lily Bulbs 百合
2 pcs Tangerine Peel 橙皮
2 Knots Pandan Leaves 香兰叶
100g Sago / Tapioca Balls 小西米
100ml Thick Coconut Milk 浓椰汁 (Optional 自选)

Directions 做法

Soak green beans overnight. Rinse and discard water.

In a soup pot, combine together water, green beans, rock sugar, tangerine peel, lily bulbs and pandan leaves. Cook on medium heat until the water start boil then reduce the heat to medium low. 
准备汤锅,把水,绿豆,冰糖,橙皮,百合 喝香兰叶加入。以中小火煮至水滚后再把火调低。

If you are using similar cookware like Roichen premium ceramic cookware then you can cook the mung beans in the pot with the lid close. Otherwise, you might need to keep further cook with the lid partially open when the beans start to split as the boiling water will produce foam which will spill over the pot. Allow the mung bean soup to simmer for 1 hour.
你若是采用类似Roichen premium cookware 的炊具的话,你就不虚把锅盖打开继续滚煮。否则,你就得将锅盖开少许以免煮熟的绿豆会气泡导致糖水会喷出来。以中小火煮1个小时。

While waiting for the mung bean to cook, bloom the sago pearls in a bowl with sufficient cold water to cover the sago.

Heat up another pot with boiling water and stir in the sago pearls and continue stirring the sago until the pearls turn translucent. Remove from heat and drain.

Immediately rinse the sago pearls under cold water to prevent the pearls from sticking. Transfer sago pearls to the simmering green mung bean soup and stir until incorporated.

Optionally you may stir in thick coconut milk during the last few minutes of the boiling.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

印尼加多加多沙拉 Vegetarian Gado Gado Lontong

Gado Gado is an Indonesian salad consisting of boiled or blanched vegetables, hard boiled eggs, tofu, tempeh and lontong served with peanut sauce dressing. It is a well received delicacy whenever we have guest here from Malaysia. 

Those who have tasted my maid's home cooked vegetarian version expressed keen interest on trying making it on their own. Based on their positive feedback, this onion and garlic free vegetarian version actually taste better than the regular store bought ones.

I am thankful towards my maid who took the trouble to adapt this delicious Gado Gado Lontong to a vegetarian version so that more people can have the opportunity to try it.

The process may seem lengthy but I assure you that it will be worth the effort when people come back asking for more.

Vegetarian Gado Gado Lontong

(Lontong 香蕉叶米糕)
6 Cups Rice 百米
2.5 Litres Water 清水
10-15 pcs Banana Leaves 香蕉叶
30-45 pcs Raffia Strings of 30cm Length 拉菲绳剪成30cm长度

Method 做法

Clean the banana leaves and steam for 3-4 mins. Set aside.

Wash and drain rice.

In a deep bowl frying pot, add water and rice. Stir fry the rice until softened and 90% of the water being absorbed.

Place 2 scoop of the semi cooked rice onto a piece of banana leaf. Compress the rice firmly onto the banana leaf and roll into a tight cylinder with fold both ends downwards. Secure the wrapped lontong  by binding 3 sections of raffia strings along the length of the rolled up lontong rice.

Immersed the entire batch of wrapped lontong rice cake into a pot of boiling water deep enough to cover the entire lot and cook for 1-1/2 hours. Set aside.

(Vegetables 菜料)
150g Spinach 菠菜
150g Lotus Spinach 空心菜
150g Long Beans 长豆角
150g Round Cabbage 包菜
150g Bean Sprouts 豆芽
200g Firm Tofu 豆腐干
1 Chayote 合掌瓜

Method 做法

Wash and drain all vegetables.

Cut both spinaches into 1.5cm length and 1cm length for long beans.
菠菜和空心菜切成1.5厘米长度, 长豆角切成1厘米长条。

Shred cabbage and julienne the chayote into 2cm strips.
包菜切丝, 合掌瓜切2厘米长條。

In a frying pan, deep fry the firm tofu until the surface turned crispy. Cubed and set aside.

Blanch spinach, cabbage and bean sprouts separately under boiling water until semi cooked. Set aside.
把菠菜,空心菜和豆芽各自以滚水汤熟, 捞起搁置。

Briefly boil the cut long beans and julienne chayote separately until tender. Set aside.

(Peanut Sauce 沙爹酱)
500g Peanuts 花生
1/2 Cup Cooking Oil 食油
210g Gula Melaka 椰糖/ Palm Sugar, chopped 切碎
2 Tsp Salt 盐
10 Tsp Tamarind Juice 酸豆汁
500ml Water 清水
Chili Padi 小辣椒 (Optional)
Lime Juice 青柠汁 (optional)

Method 做法

Heat up a deep bowl skillet or wok, add cooking oil and peanuts. Using medium low heat, stir fry the peanut continuously until the skin turn golden brown and crispy.
把花生,食油倒入已加热的炒锅, 以中小火拌炒花生至表皮金黄酥脆即可。

Due to the limited capacity of the home used flat mortar and pestle, the peanut sauce would have to be prepare in batches. 

Add chili padi and pinch of salt onto the stone mortar. Crush the chili with the pestle and follow by a handful of peanuts. Continue crushing the peanuts into coarse bits. Add in 1-2 Tbsp of chopped gula melaka and continue grinding the mixture till combined. 
在石臼上加入辣椒及少许盐。把辣椒磨碎再拿一把手的花生,继续以石杵磨碎花生。再加入1-2 汤匙的碎椰糖继续磨碎。

Add 1-2 Tsp of tamarind juice follow by adequate amount of water to mix and grind the mixture into a coarse paste. Transfer the paste into a container. Repeat the same process with the balance ingredients until completed. 

Adjust the thickness of the sauce by adding hot water to dilute the sauce upon serving with the lontong rice and vegetables.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.