
Thursday, January 21, 2016

法式芝士巧克力千层蛋糕 French Style Chocolate Cheese Mille Crepes

Tomorrow I have 2 guest from Malaysia and I wanted to make them a mille crepes cake instead of the regular butter or sponge cake, which I hope they will enjoy. 

Last year,I bought a recipe book written solely on Mille Crepes making, this is the 3rd recipe I am trying from this book 'French Style Mille Crepes' by Coco Kong. If you are interested in making your ow mille crepes cake, I urged you to consider buying this book.

去年我购买了一本专教导千层蛋糕的制做的食谱书籍,而今次这道千层蛋糕是我从那本食谱书里所尝试试做的第三道千层蛋糕。您若有兴趣的话道可以考虑购买这本法式千层蛋糕食谱的书辑 “江丽风老师的'French Style Mille Crepes 法式浪漫千层蛋糕' 食谱专辑系列丛书38“。


French Style Chocolate Cheese Mille Crepes

To Make Crepes 蛋糕皮料 (A)
400g UHT Fresh Milk 鲜奶
255g Eggs 鸡蛋
1/2 Tsp Salt 盐
95g Plain Flour 中筋面粉
20g Chocolate Powder 巧克力粉
55g Icing Sugar糖粉

60g Unsalted Butter (by double boiling) 隔水炖溶无盐奶油

To Make Filling 馅料(C)
200g Cream Cheese 奶油乳酪
50g Fresh Milk 鲜奶
47g Condensed Milk 炼奶

To Make Filling 馅料(D)

200g Fresh Whipping Cream 植物性鲜奶油

Method 做法

Get ready a 20-22cm non stick skillet, 1 palette knife, cake turntable and an 8" flat serving plate or cake board.

Cut cream cheese into cubes and allow it to soften to room temperature.

Prepare melted butter from ingredient (B) and set aside to cool for later use.

Combine all ingredient (A) into a large mixing bowl and mix until the batter is smooth. Strain through a sieve. Cover batter with cling wrap and allow to sit / rest for 30 minutes. 
将材料(A)放入一个大碗里搅拌均匀后过滤, 休面30分钟.

Add in melted butter to batter (A) and mix well just prior to frying the crepes. 

Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Use a ladle to scoop the crepes batter into the pan while swirling the pan to evenly spread the cake batter. Pour off any excess batter back into the mixing bowl. Cook crepe until the surface starts to bubble and the bottom layer has set.

Use a spatula to ease away the layer from the pan. At this point, you may carefully lift up the crepe by hand or any other tools to make sure the crepes does not break.
Place the cooked crepes on a baking tray while finishing the remaining batter. Stir well to prevent the batter from thickening before cooking each layer. Repeat the process until the batter is all used up.
用划刀把饼皮划离锅, 再轻轻的用手把饼皮取出放在在一个容器或烤盘上, 重复做法至完成. 千万要记得每当倒入面糊入锅时必须先搅匀, 以防止面糊浓稠。重覆过程直到面糊全部煎完为止。

Place ingredients (C) into a large mixing bowl and beat till smooth. Add in whipping cream (D) and mix till thickened。Set aside.

To assemble cake, place cake board or plate on the turntable. Place the 1st piece crepe layer on the board / plate. Spread a thin layer of filling on top. Stack on the 2nd piece of crepe. Lightly flatten each layer with hand to sandwich the cream onto the crepe. 
组合蛋糕, 将蛋糕板放在蛋糕转盘上,铺第一层饼皮,抹一层薄薄的馅料在表面之后再铺上第二层饼皮,然后用手轻按餅皮中间部份使馅料分布均匀。 

Spread on a thin layer of the filling over the top of the crepe and place the 3rd piece of crepe over it. Continue spreading a layer of cream filling over the crepe, place some chocolate buttons over the fillings. Spread another layer of crepe over it. Press down lightly with hands.  Repeat the process until the last layer. Do not spread filling on the final top layer.
继续铺上另三层饼皮,抹一层薄薄的馅料在表面,放置一些巧克力币豆在馅料层上,接下来再铺上另一层饼皮,轻按餅皮中间部份使馅料分布均匀。 重复至完成。 最后一层不须抹馅料。

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

法式杏仁海绵杯子蛋糕 Joconde Biscuit Cupcakes

Made this batch of sponge cupcakes from the extra cake batter from the sponge rolled cake. Everyone loves the soft and spongy texture of this cake and I strongly recommend you to try it out. 

Joconde Biscuit Cupcake

Ingredients 基本材料
30g Unsalted Butter 无盐奶油
90g Almond Powder 杏仁粉
45g Icing Sugar 糖粉
180g Eggs 全蛋
 75g Cake Flour 蛋糕粉

150g Egg Whites 蛋白 /蛋清
80g Castor Sugar 幼糖

Chocolate Buttons 巧克力豆

Method 做法

Preheat oven to 175C degrees

Melt butter in double boiler. Set aside to cool.

Combine almond flour with icing sugar and sift evenly. Add to beaten eggs and mix till the mixture turns pale. Set aside.

In a dry and grease free mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites (B) until frothy. Add 1/2 of the castor sugar  and continue whisking until the meringue thicken and increase in volume before adding in the balance castor sugar. Increase the mixer to higher speed and continue whisking until firm peaks and when the meringue does not drop out when the bowl is flipped upside down. 

Slowly whisk in 1/3 of the beaten egg whites to incorporate into the almond egg mixture (A). Gently fold in  the balance beaten egg whites with rubber spatula to combine.

Sift the cake flour into the almond batter and gently fold with rubber spatula to incorporate the flour until even.

Scoop a portion of the cake batter and fold into the melted butter to combine. Transfer back the mixture back to the cake batter and swiftly fold to incorporate.

Gently scoop the cake batter into muffin liners until 3/4 full. Arrange some chocolate buttons (C) onto the surface of the batter. Bake in the middle rack of a preheated oven for 18-20 mins until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
准备烤盘,放上纸杯,用勺子舀入蛋糕糊到纸杯八分满,最后加入巧克力豆C装饰。 把烤盘送入烤箱中层烘烤18-20分钟直到用竹签插入不沾糊就熟了。

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.