
Saturday, April 2, 2016

蛋白班兰蛋糕卷 Egg Whites Pandan Swiss Roll

I was left with a tub of egg whites from the recent making of Indonesia lapis layered cakes 2 weeks ago. Hence I searched from the net for recipes to ease up the leftover egg whites and I came across a white cake recipe from Ann Low's blog which seemed easy and yummy.
前两个星期我因制做了两道印尼千层蛋糕而剩下一大罐的蛋清。为了用掉那些蛋清,我便在网络上寻找能帮助运用蛋清的烘培食谱,最后便于Ann Low's 的博客里看上了一道即简易而又美味的蛋白蛋糕卷的食谱。

To enhance the taste and outlook of the roll cake, I have made some adaptations to arrive at my duo flavor version.

Thank you Ann Low for this inspiring cake recipe. 
非常感谢Ann Low食谱给予的灵感。

Egg Whites Pandan Swiss Roll

Ingredients 材料

3 Tbsp Corn Oil 玉米油
60g UHT Fresh Milk 鲜奶

20g Caster Sugar 细糖
1/4 Tsp Salt 盐
40g Plain Flour 中筋面粉
10g Rice Flour 粘米粉
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Powder 香草粉

2 Tbsp Corn Oil 玉米油
40g UHT Fresh Milk 鲜奶

15g Caster Sugar 细糖
29g Plain Flour 中筋面粉
7g Rice Flour 粘米粉
1 Tbsp Pandan Extract 班兰精

282g Egg Whites 蛋白
60g Caster Sugar 细糖

130g Pandan Kaya Jam 班兰加央

Directions 做法

Combine plain flour, rice flour and vanilla powder of (A) evenly. Sift and set aside. 

Repeat the same process for the flour ingredients from (B). Set aside.

Line and grease a 38x17cm baking tray with parchment paper. 

Preheat oven at 160C degrees

In a mixing bowl, add corn oil, milk, salt and sugar (of A) together and mix evenly. Sift in sifted flour mixture (A) and use a hand whisk to combine. Set aside.
把材料A的玉米油,鲜奶,盐 和糖一起倒入碗,搅匀。再把之前过沥好的粉料A沥入,用打蛋器捣匀。搁置待用。

In another mixing bowl, combine corn oil, pandan extract, milk and sugar (of B) together until mixed. Sift in sifted flour mixture (B) and use a hand whisk to combine. Set aside.

In a dry and grease free mixing bowl, whisk the cold egg whites (C) until frothy. Add 1/2 of the castor sugar and continue whisking until the meringue thicken and increase in volume before sifting in the balance castor sugar. Increase the mixer to higher speed and continue whisking until firm peaks and when the meringue does not drop out when the bowl is flipped upside down. This is crucial step to prevent the cake from breaking during rolling.

Divide the meringue into 2 portions of 136g and 205g respectively.

From the 1st portion of 136g , add 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the pandan cake batter (B) and fold to incorporate. Continue to fold in the balance beaten egg whites with rubber spatula until evenly combined. Set aside. 

From the 2nd portion of 205g , add 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the vanilla cake batter (A) and fold to incorporate. Continue to fold in the balance beaten egg whites with rubber spatula until evenly combined. 

Pour the 2 cake batters alternately into the prepared baking tray. Level the surface, tap the baking tray on the countertop to release trapped air pockets. Transfer the baking tray into the middle rack of a preheated oven and bake at 160C degrees for 15-16 mins until the surface has browned and cake springs back when press. 
把两种蛋糕糊交替地倒入烤盘。 用小刮板将表面抹平。烤盘在桌面上轻敲几下震出气泡后送入预热的烤箱中层以160度烘烤15-16分钟左右或至到表面呈金黄色,触感有弹性即可。

Invert the cake onto a damp kitchen towel and remove the baking tray and parchment paper. Immediately roll up the cake with the kitchen towel before placing it to cool on a cooling rack. 

Heat up pandan kaya jam in microwave for 30 seconds to soften. 

Unroll the cooled cake, spread a layer of the pandan kaya jam over the cake top. 

Roll up the cake

Once the cake is rolled up, twist the two sides of the kitchen towel / parchment paper and refrigerate the wrapped cake for 1 hour to set. 

Remove parchment paper, trim both ends and slice to serve. 

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

紫地瓜超软面包 Very Soft Sweet Potato Toast

I love making bread more than pastries. Breads are very easy to make once you understand and have successfully gone through the actual process of baking. That shall be the foundation to base on to move on to making many other types of bread.

This is a straight forward method to achieve a soft and fluffy bread without the hassle of preparing tangzhong or starter dough. Do give it a try and I am sure you would be proud of the outcome.

Happy Baking! 

Very Soft Sweet Potato Toast

Ingredients 材料


200g Mashed Purple Sweet Potato 紫地瓜泥

465g Bread Flour 高筋面粉
15g Milk Powder 奶粉
8g Instant Dried Yeast 速发干酵母
85g Castor Sugar 细糖
1 Large Egg 鸡蛋(大)
20g Egg White 蛋白
195g Milk 牛奶
3g Sea Salt 海盐

65g Unsalted Butter 无盐牛油

Directions 做法

Combine all ingredients (A) and (B) into the bowl of a stand mixer with dough hook and mix with lower speed until all ingredients are well combined.
将所有材料(A)和 (B)倒入搅拌器的钢盆中以慢速度搅拌搓揉成为一个不粘手的面团.

Add in butter (C) and slowly increase the speed to medium and continue kneading for approx 15-18 mins, until the dough becomes smooth and pass the window pane test.


Transfer the dough to a slightly greased bowl, cover bowl with either cling wrap or cloth. Allow the dough to proof for an hour or until the dough doubled in size.
将揉好的面团滚圆, 收口朝下捏紧放入涂抹少许油的盆中, 罩上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜, 放置到温暖很密闭的空间进行第一次发酵约60分钟或至少两倍大.

Test the readiness of the dough with a finger lightly dusted with low gluten or cake flour. The dough is ready when it remain indented after the finger pokes into it. If not, continue to proof for another 5-10 mins before using the finger to poke and perform the test.
第一次发酵完成后, 用手指沾上低筋面粉, 然后直接戳入面团中心. 如果戳出的洞陵没有弹回的迹象, 便完成第一次发酵. 如果戳出的洞渐渐回缩, 则再继续发酵5-10分钟, 然后再用同样的方方式测试.

Punch down the dough. Remove the dough from the bowl and place it on a floured worktop. Divide the dough into 6 equal portions and mould it round. Let it rest for another 15 mins.
工作桌上洒上一些高筋面粉. 将发酵好的面团从盆子中移出. 面团表面也洒上一些高筋面粉, 然后将面团用手压下去将气体挤出来. 把面团平均分割成6等份, 然后滚成圆形, 盖上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜再让面团休息15分钟.

Sprinkle the worktop with bread flour, use a rolling pin to roll each dough into long rectangle shape with width to fit the baking pan. Start rolling out from the shorter end of the dough into a roulade. Repeat the process for the balance 5 ps of dough. 

Place the 3 cylindrical bread dough (seams down) into a greased loaf pan 21cmx11.5cmx6.5cmD. Repeat the same process for the balance 3 bread dough into another greased loaf pan of equivalent size.

Spray some water over the surface with a fine mist nozzle. Final proof the bread in a unheated oven for another 50-60 mins.
将烤模放入未开火的烤箱中, 面团表面喷些水然后盖上烤箱门, 再侍发酵50-60分钟至两倍大.

8-10 Mins prior to baking time, remove baking pan from oven and turn on the oven heat to 170C degrees.
发酵好前8-10分钟, 将烤盘从烤箱中取出, 烤箱打开预热刊至170C度.

Apply egg wash over the bread surface.

Bake in the lowest level of a preheated oven at 170C degrees for 38-40 mins.

Remove bread from oven and turn it out onto cooling rack to cool.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

全素鳄梨果奶油意大利面 Creamy Vegan Avocado Pasta

Avocados are nutritious fruit with abundant nutrients such as fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins, and folic acid. These fruits does not contain any cholesterol or sodium, and are low in saturated fat. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit.

鳄梨果, 也称名为牛油果,是一种营养含量很高的水果。它的营养成份有纤维,钾,维他命E,B和叶酸等。就因如此,鳄梨果也被吉尼斯世界纪录里评为最有营养的水果。除此以外,这些水果不包含任何胆固醇或钠,它们还充当“养分助推器”能使身体吸收更多脂溶性营养物,例如α-和β-胡萝卜素和叶黄素,在被食用与水果的食品。

Apart from eaten as fruits, avocados is also a good alternative to saturated fat laden recipes. Hence, in place of using double cream for my pasta, I have opted to use blended avocados for my vegan version of creamy pasta.

Its truly yummy and healthier than the milk cream version. Yum!

Creamy Avocado Pasta

Ingredients 材料

250g Penne 通心粉

110g Cherry Tomato 樱桃番茄, halved 切半
190g Frozen Peas 冷冻豌豆
135g Fresh White Button Mushrooms 鲜蘑菇, sliced 切片
4 Ripe Avocados 熟透的鳄梨果, halved 切半, seeded去种子 and peeled 去皮
350-400ml Water 清水 (blending 搅拌用)

4 Tbsp Olive Oil 橄榄油
1 Tbsp Sesame Oil 麻油
1 Tbsp Oregano Powder 牛至粉
1-2 Tbsp Basil Powder 紫苏粉
2-3 Tbsp Sea Salt 海盐
2 Tbsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice 鲜柠檬汁
Ground Black Pepper to taste 黑胡椒粉调味

1.5 Lit Water 清水
1 Tbsp Salt 盐
1 Tbsp Olive Oil 橄榄油

Some baked almond slice 少许的烘脆的杏仁片

Directions 做法
To make avocado sauce, transfer avocados and 350-400ml of water (B) into the bowl of a food processor and blend into thick paste. Set aside.


Heat up 1.5 liters of water (D) in a pot. Add salt and olive oil and combine (D). 

When the water starts to boil, add in penne (A) pasta and cook according to the package instructions. 

Drain and soak the cooked penne into a cold water for 10sec. Drain.

Heat up olive and sesame oil (C) into a frying pan. Toss in the remaining ingredients from (B) and stir fry for a minute. Add cooked penne and avocado paste. Stir fry for 30 seconds to combine. Add the remaining seasoning ingredients from (C) and give it a few stir before removing it from heat. 

Garnish with baked almond slices. Serve immediately.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.