
Friday, July 3, 2015

法式香草千层蛋糕 French Style Vanilla Mille Crepes

Another popular but expensive dessert in Jakarta, which, I personally find it overpriced between USD25 to USD50 for an 8" cake sold in cake outlets. Instead of buying the cake, I bought a recipe book solely with Mille Crepes recipes at RM20. 

With the money spent on buying the ingredients plus the recipe book 'French Style Mille Crepes' by Coco Kong, its was still far from what I would have to pay for the cake, but still get a full size cake.
买了一本江丽风老师的'French Style Mille Crepes 法式浪漫千层蛋糕' 食谱专辑系列丛书38,再加上购买蛋糕材料后还是没有达到在外购买整个蛋糕的费用。

I have increased 30% to originally stated ingredients for the crepe to cater for 'broken crepes' from inexperienced frying and handling. Being new to this, the extra also take into consideration of the possibility of frying the crepe layers with inconsistent thickness. True enough, I only managed to get 16 layers of crepes from adding the 30% buffer ingredients. Based on the recipe, the original recipe is capable of producing 18-20pieces of crepe layers :P.
对于新手的自己,我还在原述的材料份量多加了三十巴先,预备多余以免错手间中把餅皮处里不好或是餅皮煎得厚而影响蛋糕层的制造数量等等 。以原述的材料成份所述应可以达到18-20薄餅层,而当我在预加30%的材料后所制造的只有16层而这一类的蛋糕要越多层就越好看越有口感。

For this posting, I decided to readjust the ingredients for batter with 50% extra from the original recipe. Personally, I prefer to have a higher cake and I hope you could create more layers through that. 

According to the author, the crepes batter (A) is allowed 30 mins resting before adding in the melted butter for better batter consistency. If butter is added in too early,  it will create thick finishing to the crepes.

French Style Vanilla Mille Crepes

To Make Crepes 蛋糕皮料 (A)
355g Low Fat UHT Milk 低脂鲜奶
5 Grade A Large Eggs 鸡蛋
1/2 Tsp Salt 盐
2 Stick Vanilla Pods (Scrape Out Seeds) 香草两支(取出种子)
45g Icing Sugar 糖粉
100g Plain Flour 中筋面粉

45g Unsalted Butter (melted by double boiling) 隔水炖溶无盐奶油

To Make Filling 馅料(C)
130g Vanilla Flavored Soya Milk 香草味豆浆
70g Instant Custard Powder 即溶蛋黄粉
1 Stick Vanilla Pod (Scrape Out Seeds) 香草一支(取出种子)

300g Whipping Cream 植物性鲜奶油 


Get ready a 22-24cm non stick flat frying pan, 1 palette knife, cake turntable and an 8" flat serving plate or cake board.

Combine all ingredient (A) into a large mixing bowl and mix until the batter is smooth. Strain through a sieve. Cover batter with cling wrap and allow to sit / rest for 30 minutes. 
将材料(A)放入一个大碗里搅拌均匀后过滤, 休面30分钟.

Prepare melted butter from ingredient (B) and set aside to cool for later use.

Add in melted butter to batter (A) and mix well just prior to frying the crepes. 

Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Use a ladle to scoop the crepes batter into the pan while tilting to lightly fill the pan with the cake batter. Pour off any excess batter back into the mixing bowl. Cook crepe until the surface starts to bubble and the bottom layer has set.

When the edges turn to pale golden, use a spatula to ease away the layer from the pan. At this point, you may carefully lift up the crepe by hand or any other tools to make sure the crepes does not break.
Place the cooked crepes on a baking tray while finishing the remaining batter. Stir well to prevent the batter from thickening before cooking each layer. Repeat the process until the batter is all used up.
当饼皮煎至边沿微黄时, 用划刀把饼皮划离锅, 再轻轻的用手把饼皮取出放在在一个容器或烤盘上, 重复做法至完成. 千万要记得每当倒入面糊入锅时必须先搅匀, 以防止面糊浓稠。

Beat the whipping cream with a hand held electric hand beater / mixer until thickened。Set aside.

Combine all ingredients (C) into a large mixing bowl and beat until thickened. Add in whipped cream, mix well.
将材料(C) 倒入一个大盆中以打蛋器搅打至浓稠,加入打发的(D)植物性鲜奶油料拌匀。

To assemble cake, place cake board or plate on the turntable. Place one piece of crepe layer on the board / plate. Spread a thin layer of filling on top. Stack on another piece of crepe. Lightly flatten each layer with hand to sandwich the cream onto the crepe. 
组合蛋糕, 将蛋糕板放在蛋糕转盘上,铺一层饼皮,抹一层薄薄的馅料在表面,然后用手轻按餅皮中间部份使馅料分布均匀。 

Spread on a thin layer of the filling over the top of the crepe and place another piece of crepe over it. Press down lightly with hands.  Repeat the process until the last layer. Do not spread filling on the final top layer.
继续铺上另一层饼皮,抹一层薄薄的馅料在表面,用手轻按餅皮中间部份使馅料分布均匀。 重复至完成。 最后一层不须抹馅料。

Wrap the cake with cling wrap and chill cake overnight before serving.
以保鲜花跑纸包好, 放入冰箱冷藏隔夜才切出享用。

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Kuih Ondeh Ondeh

Finding vegan related food in Jakarta is a daunting task for me ever since I embarked on the journey of becoming a vegan. At most, I am lucky to find 1 or 2 vegetarian dish at more established or pricey restaurants whereby they 'might' help to omit all requested ingredients (onion, garlic, chives, eggs, alcohol or sauces of all animal origin) from certain vegetable dishes. Usually I do ended with a humble plate of stir fry green vegetable costing between USD8-12 per serving.  Unless the place serves full vegetarian food, or, me and hubby will have to order separate set of food / dishes.

自从我开始吃长素后, 才发现原来在雅加达寻找相关的素食餐馆是件困难之事. 在这个人口中有90%都是回教徒而他们大多数都是专吃牛肉的肉食者, 能购买到的菜类都相当有限. 我在这三年里真是吃腻了包菜,菜心,空心菜,白菜甚直我每次回吉隆坡都会从那儿带入20-30公斤回雅加达。若是我和丈夫一起的话,所带入(进飞机仓)的数量会高达90kg公斤。由于进口食品在此都非常贵,再加上选择有限,只好次次得辛苦的把巨重的行礼搬运入国。

The nearest vegetarian restaurant is at least 30-45mins drive away from our place. After going there continuously for 2 years, the place holds less appeal than to eat home cook meal.  I was told there are lots of good vegetarian restaurants in the northern part of Jakarta but the 1hr traveling time, plus additional 30-60mins of extended time for possible traffic congestion, put us off completely.


Today I am in the mood for something sweet and totally vegan, specially made for tummy. I have made ondeh ondeh many times using 蓝赛珍 Agnes Chang's Hawkers' Delights 街边风味小食, and I find the recipe pretty satisfactory.


Kuih Ondeh Ondeh

Skin 表皮(A)
360g Glutinous Rice Flour 糯米粉
180ml Hot Water 热水
3 Tbsp Thick Pandan Juice 浓缩班兰叶汁(Applicable, in the absence of instant pandan
6-10 Drops Store Bought Pandan Paste 罐装浓缩班兰叶汁
2 Tbsp Castor Sugar 幼糖
Sufficient Coconut Milk (for mixing dough) 适量椰浆
1.5 Tbsp Oil 食油
Few Drops Green Coloring 数滴青色素 (if necessary)

Filling 馅料(B)
1 Big Piece of Gula Melaka, chopped 一块椰糖
3 Tbsp Castor Sugar 3大匙细糖 

Topping / Coating 沾料 (C)
1 Grated Young White Coconut 嫩白椰丝
1 Tsp Salt 盐


Combined grated coconut with salt and steam for 10 minutes. Set aside.
把椰丝和盐混合在钢食盆们中用中火蒸熟10分钟. 离火侍凉.

Pour hot water into the glutinous rice flour and mix. Add in the remaining ingredients (A) and continue kneading until a soft dough is formed.
将热水玻入糯米粉中搅匀, 加入数滴浓缩班兰叶汁, 幼糖, 适量椰浆, 油及青色素, 搓至软硬适中的面团.

Form small balls with the dough and fill some cut gula melaka onto the centre of the dough, sealed tightly.
将面粉团做成小球, 放入少许馅料包好.

Cook in a pot filled with boiling water. When the kueh floats up, it is cooked and ready for coating. Immediately coat with steamed grated coconut. Serve hot or cold.
放入1/2锅滚水中煮至熟及浮起, 捞起, 沾上椰丝, 便可供食

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

蜂蜜马铃薯面包 Potato Honey Buns

Prior to my using of 周老师的美食教室 '天然手作面包101道 recipe books as my daily bread reference guide, my loyalty had been solely towards Carol Hu's 烘焙新手必备的第二本书 The Second Book of Baking for Beginners by Carol Hu 胡涓涓 back then. These days I was swamped with too many baking books and downloaded recipes to choose from, which, sometimes I felt to be a strain on which and where to pick from.

I believe some of you share the same sentiments as I do. 

To me both of the above stated recipe books are equally great book to invest in, if you read Chinese language. Carol Hu's book offers more recipes with elaborate pictorial step by step instructions, a definite point for anyone who is new to baking.

Anyway, back to this recipe. Our entire household love potatoes and I usually use it for cooking than baking. To use it for baking requires extra preparation work of steaming and mashing and honestly I dread that extra step just for the sake of adding it to the bread dough, more so when I can't taste the potato in the final product.

But once you have tried making it you will see the difference in the bread texture against other bread recipes.

Potato Honey Buns
(Makes 8 buns)

Ingredients (A)
100g Mashed Potato 马铃薯泥
70g UHT Fresh Milk 鲜奶
35g Honey 蜂蜜
1 Egg 全蛋
190g Bread Flour 高筋面粉
30g Cake Flour 低筋面粉
1/2 Tsp Instant Yeast 速发干酵母
1/8 Tsp Salt 盐

20g Unsalted Butter 无盐奶油

Topping (C)
Unsalted Butter无盐奶油, julienned 切成细条
Bread Crumbs 面包屑(Optional)


Combine all ingredients (A) into the bowl of a stand mixer with dough hook and mix with lower speed until all ingredients are well combined.
将所有材料(A) 倒入搅拌器的钢盆中以慢速度搅拌搓揉成为一个不粘手的面团.

Add (B) butter and slowly increase the speed to medium for approx 15-18 mins, until the dough becomes smooth and pass the window pane test.
再将切成小块的奶油(B), 加入面团中搅拌搓揉到完全融合. 依照片揉面标准程序继续以中速把面团搅拌成为撑得起薄膜的面团.

Transfer the dough to a slightly greased bowl, cover bowl with either cling wrap or cloth. Allow the dough to proof for an hour or until the dough doubled in size.
将揉好的面团滚圆, 收口朝下捏紧放入涂抹少许油的盆中, 罩上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜, 放置到温暖很密闭的空间进行第一次发酵约60分钟或至少两倍大.

Test the readiness of the dough with a finger lightly dusted with low gluten or cake flour. The dough is ready when it remain indented after the finger pokes into it.
第一次发酵时间到达后, 用手指沾上低筋面粉, 然后直接戳入面团中心. 如果戳出的洞陵没有弹回的迹象, 便完成第一次发酵. 如果戳出的洞渐渐回缩, 则再继续发酵5-10分钟, 然后再用同样的心方式测试.

Punch down the dough. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions and mould it round. Let it rest for another 15 mins.
工作桌上洒上一些高筋面粉. 将发酵好的面团从盆子中移出.  面团表面也洒上一些高筋面粉, 然后将面团用手压下去将气体挤出来. 把面团平均分割成8等份, 然后滚成圆形, 盖上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜再让面团休息15分钟.

Brush a thin coat of water on the surface of the buns. Coat the top with bread crumbs and place the buns on the baking tray. Continue the process for the balance buns. 
在面包表面均匀刷上一层清水, 然后沾上一层面包屑. 完成的面团收口朝下间隔整齐排放在烤盘上.

Spray some water over the buns with a fine mist nozzle. Final proof the buns in a unheated oven for another 50-60 mins.
将整盘的面团放入烤箱中, 面团表面喷些水然后盖上烤箱门, 再侍发酵50-60分钟至两倍大.

8-10 Mins prior to baking time, remove baking tray from oven and turn on the oven heat to 170C degrees.
发酵好前8-10分钟, 将烤盘从烤箱中取出, 烤箱打开预热刊至170C度.

Apply oil to a razor blade and slowly cut a short and thin groove line over the buns surface. Place 1-2 strips of butter into the cut groove. Repeat the process for all the buns.
用一把涂上少许油的利刀, 在面团中央切开一道深痕. 将切成条状的奶油放在面团缺口上.

Bake the buns in the middle lower level of a preheated oven at 170C degrees for 18-20 mins.
放进已经预热至170C度的烤箱中下层愤烘烤18-20分钟, 至表面呈现金黄色即可.