Tuesday, December 6, 2016

紫薯可可蒸糕 Sweet Potato Chocolate Kueh Lapis

I love incorporating sweet potatoes into my cooking and baking as its is rich is flavor and packed with lots of nutrients.

Today I am sharing this wonderful steam kuih recipe adapted from Hesti's Kitchen which yields extremely good outcome.
这次所分享的这项完美蒸糕食谱取自于Hesti's Kitchen,蒸出来的效果及之满意。

Sweet Potato Chocolate Kueh Lapis

Ingredients 材料
400ml Thick Coconut Milk 浓椰浆
300ml Soy Milk 豆浆
300ml Water 清水
3 pcs Pandan Leaves 班兰叶 (knotted 打结)
1 Tsp Salt 盐
180g Sugar 糖

250g Purple Sweet Potatoes 紫地瓜 (mashed 捣烂)

1 Tbsp Cocoa Powder 可可粉
2 Tbsp Hot Water 滚水

250g Rice Flour 粘米粉
100g Starch Flour 茨粉
1 Tsp Vanilla Powder 香草精
8-10 Drops Purple Food Coloring 紫色食品色素

Directions 做法

Combine ingredients (A) into a deep saucepan and heat up until sugar dissolves. Set aside to cool slightly.

Peel and cut sweet potatoes (B) into cubes. Steam for 20 mins until soften.

Combine ingredients (C) to form chocolate paste. Set aside.

Combine (A) and (B) into blender and blend till smooth.

In another mixing bowl, add rice flour, starch flour and vanilla powder together until mixed. Gradually pour in the sweet potato coconut milk mixture and stir to combine.

Transfer 1/3 of the batter into another bowl and stir in chocolate paste till incorporated.  Drop a few drops of purple food coloring (if necessary) into the balance 2/3 batter until evenly mixed.

Grease a 16x16x7cm steaming tray and heat up in the steamer for 5 mins.

Pour 85g of the chocolate batter into the steaming tray and steam under medium heat for 5-6 mins. Then add 170g of the purple batter over the steamed chocolate layer and continue steaming under medium heat for 5-6 mins. 

Pour another 85g of chocolate batter over the steamed purple sweet potato layer and repeat the process until the final layer. For final layer to steam for 20-25 mins until set.

Cool the kuih on the wire rack. Slice with a greased  knife for serving.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Monday, December 5, 2016

金玉满堂 The Wealthy Pot

This is a vegetarian equivalent version of the claypot rice which I utterly missed eating. All thanks to this recently bought "Yummy Hawkers' Fair Secret Vegetarian Recipe book by Philip Yoong that I get to relish this wonderful one pot dish.
近一趟回马时购买了一本Philip Yoong 的‘槟城好吃素食大牌档’食谱书籍,从这本书籍里找到了这道素食版的砂钵饭,终于可以品尝我朝暮思念的砂钵饭了。

The Wealthy Pot

Ingredients 材料
300g Brown Rice 糙米
100g Fragrant Rice 香米
1100g Water 清水
150g Green Peas 青豆粒
150g Fresh Sweet Corn 玉米粒

4 Tbsp Cooking Oil 食油
4 Tbsp Shredded Ginger 姜丝
7 Chinese Mushrooms 花菇 (diced)
100g Tofu Pok 豆腐卜(diced)
100g Vegetarian Meat 素肉(diced)
50g Red Paprika 红辣椒 (diced)

(C) Seasoning 酱料
3 Tsp Salt 盐
2 Tbsp Sugar 糖
4 Tbsp Light Soy Sauce 酱清
4 Tbsp Sesame Oil 麻油
2 Tbsp Dark Soy Sauce 黑酱油
4 Tbsp Vegetarian Mushroom Sauce 素蚝油
Pepper 胡椒粉

Method 做法

Combine brown and fragrant rice together. Soak for 1 hour and drain.

Combine all seasoning ingredients (C) into a bowl and stir to mix. Set aside.

Combine all ingredients (A) into a claypot and boil under medium heat for 20 mins. Transfer claypot (without lid)  into a steamer and steam under high heat for 30 mins until cooked.

Heat up 4 Tbsp cooking oil (B) into a frying pan and saute ginger until aromatic. Add the balance ingredients (B) and stir fry until fragrant.

Add seasoning (C) and continue stir fry to combine. Transfer the mixture B over the steamed rice. Steam for another 15-20 minutes. Fluff up the rice and serve hot.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

巴西起司面包球 Brazilian Cheese Buns

Brazilian Cheese Bread, also known as Pão de queijo and according to wikipedia, is a popular and widely sold cheese snack in Brazil. I stumbled across this recipe while looking for something non gluten and easy to make for a lazy Sunday when I actually planned to stay away from the oven, camera and computer.

As it turn out, this recipe is a sure keeper as it extremely easy to make, for anyone!  The buns are so chewy with mild taste of cheese and it will go well with most beverages. These buns are at its crispiest when its freshly baked from the oven. The leftover buns can be stored in a air tight container and reheat in the oven upon consumption.
制做出来的面包带有淡淡的起司香味而且还很有Q爵的口感,配上任何饮料都适合。这种面包出炉后很松脆最适当马上吃, 剩余的面包球可以收藏于气密容器内等待要品尝是可以放入烤箱烘热即可。

Brazilian Cheese Buns 

1 Cup Tapioca Flour 木薯粉
1 Tsp Baking Powder 发粉
2 Cups Cheddar Cheese 切达乳酪           
2 Eggs 鸡蛋 (slightly beaten 稍微打散)

Directions 做法

Preheat oven to 175C degrees. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. 

Grate cheddar cheese

In a mixing bowl, whisk together tapioca flour and baking powder.

Stir in grated cheese and eggs. 

Mix together all ingredients and knead ( I did it with my kitchenmaid stand mixer) until a dough forms. This is an extremely wet and sticky dough mixture.

Use a spoon or ice cream scoop to scoop up the sticky dough mixture and arrange on the baking tray. 

Bake for 13-15 mins or until done, but not browned (as you would still want it to be soft and tenderly chewy).

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Friday, December 2, 2016

香辣烧烤鸡 Spicy Grilled Chicken

Looking for a simple and no fuss method to whip up a yummy chicken dish? Here is one tested and well loved recipe which you might agree too!

Spicy Grilled Chicken

Ingredients 材料
500g Chicken Drumsticks 鸡腿
1/2 Tbsp Soy Sauce 酱清
1 Tbsp Shaoxing Wine 绍兴花彫酒

5  Green Chillies 青辣椒
20g Shallots 小葱头
3 Garlic Pips 蒜头瓣
15g Ginger 姜
10g Tumeric 黄姜
10g Galangal 南姜
50ml Water 清水
200ml Coconut Milk 浓椰浆

1/2 Tbsp Sugar 砂糖
3 Slices Kaffir Lime Leaves 疯柑叶
1 Tsp Salt 盐
1/2 Tbsp Lime Juice 酸柑汁

Method 做法

Combine all ingredients (A) into a bowl until mixed. Refrigerate and season for 1-2 hours.

Combine all ingredients (B) into the food processor and blend into paste. Transfer into a saucepan and bring to boil over low flame. Add chicken and (C) into the mixture and continue to simmer over low heat for 20 mins.

Remove chicken from the saucepan and place on baking tray. Reserve the paste mixture for later.

Bake the spiced chicken into the oven or air fryer with 180C degrees for 15 mins.

Serve chicken with remaining sauce.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

香浓椰糖巧克力蛋糕卷 Gula Melaka Chocolate Swiss Roll

This is a great rolled cake recipe adapted from Keiko Ishida's 'Sweet Treats Made With Love'. If you do come across her book, I recommend you to get one.
这是一道好好吃的蛋糕券食谱取自Keiko Ishida's 'Sweet Treats Made With Love'. 是一本非常指的收藏的书籍,我大力推荐!

Gula Melaka Chocolate Swiss Roll

(A) White Chocolate Cream 白巧克力奶油霜
150g Whipping Cream 淡奶油 (35% Fat 脂)
45g White Chocolate 白巧克力

Heat up whipping cream (A) in a saucepan. Once the cream starts to boil, pour over a bowl of white chocolates and allow the mixture to sit for 30 seconds. Stir the mixture until the chocolate dissolves and the mixture turns smooth. Allow to cool then refrigerate overnight before using.

(B) 海绵蛋糕底 Sponge Base
60g Plain Flour 中筋面粉 (sifted 过沥)
23g Rice Flour 粘米粉
60g Unsalted Butter 无盐牛油 (melted 溶化)
135g Egg Yolks 蛋黄

210g Egg Whites 蛋白
30g Castor Sugar 细砂糖
25g Gula Melaka 椰糖

Method 做法

Preheat oven to 200C degrees.

Melt butter over a pot of simmering water. Set aside
牛油放入耐热碗中,摆入已烧热的热水中隔热水融化。 搁置备用。

Combine plain and rice flour (B) together into a bowl. Sift twice and set aside.

In another clean and grease free mixing bowl, beat egg whites (B) until frothy. Add castor sugar and gula melaka in 2 additions. Continue to beat until firm peaks. 

Lightly fold in beaten egg yolks (B) into the meringue till combined.  Add sifted flour mixture (B) and fold to combine. Lastly fold in hot melted butter (B) till incorporated.

Gently transfer the cake batter into a greased heat proof 27cmx31.5cm silicone roulade baking sheet. Level the surface, tap the baking sheet on the countertop to release trapped air pockets. Transfer the baking sheet into the middle rack of a preheated oven and bake at 200C degrees for 10-13 mins until the surface has browned and cake springs back when press.
把蛋糕糊轻轻的倒入已抹油的27cmx1.5cm瑞士卷垫烤盤, 用小刮板将表面抹平。烤盘在桌面上轻敲几下震出气泡后送入预热的烤箱中层以200度烘烤10-13分钟左右或至到表面呈金黄色,触感有弹性即可。

Invert the cake onto a damp kitchen towel and remove the baking sheet. Immediately roll up the cake with the kitchen towel before placing it to cool on a cooling rack.


Whip the white chocolate cream until light and fluffy using electric hand mixer. Unroll the cooled cake, spread an even layer of the chocolate cream over the cake.


Gently roll up the cake to make a swiss roll. Wrap with cling wrap and chill in the freezer for 15 mins for the swiss roll to set. Trim both ends and slice to serve.


Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.


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