Since then, it took me a while to visit this blog which is named after her. To start off the new year, I have made this milo flavored ultra soft and fluffy bread using overnight starter dough.
Fluffy Soft Milo Bread
(Yields 2 Loaves)

280g Bread Flour 面包粉
6g Instant Dried Yeast 速溶干酵母
260ml Milk 牛奶
210g Bread Flour 面包粉
80g Milo Powder 美禄粉
50g Castor Sugar 细砂糖
1/2 Tsp Salt 盐
1 Egg 鸡蛋
80g Condensed Milk 炼奶
1 Tbsp Milk 牛奶
35g Unsalted Butter 无盐奶油
Method 做法
Combine (A) into a mixing bowl and mix into dough form. Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate overnight.
Remove the starter dough (A) from the fridge 1 hour ahead of the preparation time.
With the exception of butter (C), combine the starter dough (A) and (B) into the mixing bowl of the stand mixer fitted with dough attachment and mix with lower speed until all ingredients are well combined. Alternatively you may follow the same sequence and combine the ingredients into a mixing bowl and hand knead till combined.
首先,除了牛油(C)以外,先把材料(A) 和 (B)混入搅拌器的钢盆中,以慢速度搅拌搓揉成一个不粘手的面团。您若是用手搓面的话, 只要依据同样的次序把材料混合搓匀即可。
Add unsalted butter (C) and slowly increase the speed to medium and continue kneading for approx. 18-20 mins, until the dough becomes smooth and pass the window pane test. The same applies when you are completely kneading by hand.
Place dough into a slightly greased bowl. Cover bowl with either cling wrap or cloth and allow the dough to proof for 1-2 hours or until it doubled in size.
Punch down the dough and divide the dough into 4 equal parts. Mould it round and allow to rest for 15 mins.
Place 2 doughs into each (greased) 21cmx12.5cmx11.5cmD loaf pan. Repeat the same for the balance 2 doughs.
把两个面团置入已刷上一层油质的21cmx12.5cmx11.5cmD面包模具, 同时也重复同样的做法把其余的两份面团摆入另一个面包模。
Spray some water over the surface with a fine mist nozzle. Final proof the bread in a unheated oven for another 50-60 mins.
将烤模放入未开火的烤箱中, 面团表面喷些水然后盖上烤箱门, 再侍发酵50-60分钟至两倍大.
8-10 Mins prior to baking time, remove baking pan from oven and turn on the oven heat to 170C degrees.
发酵好前8-10分钟, 将烤面团模从烤箱中取出, 烤箱打开预热刊至170C度.
Bake in the 2nd lowest level of a preheated oven at 170C degrees for 35-38 mins until golden brown.
Remove bread from oven and turn it out onto cooling rack to cool.
Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.
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