Friday, August 12, 2016

油条 Chinese Fried Breadstick

Yesterday after mentioning about making fried breadstick (fried crullers), both my maids got excited and volunteered to try out the recipe by hand. The kneading could actually be done by mixer but they wanted to learn the process with minimal use of equipment as they plan to make these fried breadstick for their family when they go back to their kampung this coming Haji festival.

This wonderful alum free recipe from Awayofmind Bakery House produces a hollow inner with crispy heavy texture which we all love. Now we can make our own healthier version of youtiao  without having to worry about the over recycling of the frying oil with store bought ones. Hurray!
这道无矾的油条食谱取自于Awayofmind Bakery House 而制做出来的油条表皮厚酥,内中空口感很好。如今我们可以在家里制做这项较健康版本的油条,同时即不须顾虑着油质的问题。太好了!

Chinese Fried Breadstick

Ingredients 材料

250g Bread Flour 高筋面粉
250g Plain Flour 中筋面粉
10g Baking Soda 小苏打
5g Baking Powder 泡打粉
2 Tsp Salt 盐
2 Tbsp Sugar 糖
310-320ml Water 清水
1 Tbsp Corn Oil 玉米油
1 Litre Cooking Oil 食油

Method 做法

Combine all flour ingredients into mixing bowl. Add salt, sugar and water and hand mix to bring the ingredients together. 

Continue to add in 1 Tbsp corn oil and knead for another 15-20 mins until the dough become smooth and pliable. Round up the dough and cover with wet cloth or cling wrap for 20 mins.

Flatten the dough and knead for another 5-8 mins. Cover and allow the dough to sit for another 20 mins.

Repeat the same process and for the dough for the final round before rolling out into a 0.5cm thick rectangle. Divide the rectangle dough into two portions in length. Cover and rest the dough for 4 hours.

Cut the dough into 1" wide strips (as per picture). Cover and rest for another 15 mins.

Heat up 1 litre cooking oil in a deep fryer. Stack a strip of dough over another to form pairs. Use a wooden chopstick to tightly press horizontally on each stack of doughs.

Hold the two ends of each dough and gently stretch it to a 9 inch long rope.

Gently slide the stretched dough into the hot oil. Use chopsticks or long tongs and continuously swiftly rolling the dough for 1 min. It is ready when it turn light golden brown.

Repeat the same process with the remaining dough until completion.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.   

Thursday, August 11, 2016

我至爱的巧克力煎饼 My Favorite Chocolate Pancake

Breakfast is one the crucial meal in our household. With several people's palette to cater for, breakfast planning has been a part of my daily routine to start the day. This is more evident with the 3 new live in housekeepers and gardener whom are bread eating fans like my husband. The food they usually have for breakfast are rice or instant noodles. When choices are available they would add on fried eggs with other grease laden dishes.


Instead of forcing them to adopt our daily bread eating habits, I learnt to find different ways to adopt flour based staples to encourage them to healthier eating habits. This is one of the many breakfast which caught their interest. Gauging from their response, I assume the pancake is yummy enough for them to temporary forego the greasy food yearning.


My Favorite Chocolate Pancake

Ingredients 材料

85g Salted Butter 咸牛油, melted 融化
210g Plain Flour 面粉
2 Tsp Baking Powder 发酵粉
1 Tsp Baking Soda 小苏打粉
2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder 可可粉
2 Egg Yolks 蛋黄
2 Egg Whites 蛋清
5 Tbsp Sugar 糖
1 Cup Plain Yoghurt 原味酸奶
1 Cup Milk 鲜奶

Directions 做法

Heat butter in a saucepan until melted. Allow to cool.

Combine and sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda and cocoa powder into a mixing bowl. Set aside.

In another dry and grease free mixing bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks. Set aside.

In a separate mixing bowl, beat egg yolks with sugar until incorporated. Stir in yoghurt to combine.
Add milk until mixed.

Transfer egg mixture into flour mixture. Whisk to combine. Add melted butter to incorporate.

Fold in beaten egg whites till evenly mix.

If the batter is too thin, add an extra tablespoon of flour. Add an additional tablespoon of milk if the batter is too thick. Adjust the batter until it reaches the consistency of heavy cream.

Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat greased with some cooking oil / butter.

Pour 1/4 cup of batter onto the heated pan. Spread the batter with spoon.

When the top of the pancake starts to bubble, flip it over and cook the other side until the pancake has risen in thickness.

Repeat the process until all batter is used up.

Serve with maple syrup and extra butter if preferred.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.   

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

简易酸奶巧克力松饼 Easy Yoghurt Chocolate Cupcakes

I love this straight forward and easy cake recipe. 

Easy Yoghurt Chocolate Cupcakes

Ingredients 材料

200g Salted Butter 咸牛油 (soften at room temp 温室回温)
80g Castor Sugar 细砂糖
1 Tbsp Dark Muscovado Sugar 有机红糖
4 Large Eggs 鸡蛋 (大)
250g Self Raising Flour 自发面粉
2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder 可可粉
50g Chocolate Buttons 巧克力豆
110g Plain or Greek Yoghurt 原味酸奶
1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract 香草精

Directions 做法

Preheat oven to 170C degrees.

Combine and sift raising flour with cocoa powder into a bowl till evenly mixed. Set aside.

Combine butter, castor sugar and muscovado sugar into a mixing bowl and beat till pale and fluffy.

Add yoghurt till incorporated.

Add eggs, one at a time and beat to combine.

Add vanilla extract.

Whisk in 1/3 of the flour mixture and gently fold to combine. Repeat the same process for balance flour mixture in 2 additions until combined.

Fold in 1/2 of the chocolate buttons.

Spoon cake batter into individual cupcake liners until 80% full.

Decorate the top with the leftover chocolate buttons.

Bake in the middle rack of the preheated oven at 170C degrees for 15-18mins until the skewer comes out clean.

Allow the cupcakes to cool on top of cooling rack.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.   

无麸质地瓜红萝卜蛋糕 Gluten Free Sweet Potato Carrot Cake.........Happy Birthday Jolly Cookie

Time flies without realizing and now my youngest fur baby Cookie is already 4 years old. They are all my daily bundle of joys who brightens my life with their love and loyalty. My three canine fur babies certainly befits the title being 'Men's Best Friend'.

Made this healthy gluten free birthday cake so that the oldest one can also get to eat it. She is highly allergic to gluten, yeast, rice, wheat and red meat hence this cake is custom bake to cater for all. Actually, it is so yummy that I plan to make a sweeter version for our own consumption later. With this current amount of sweetness in this cake, all my fur babies seem to love it so much.
为了配合老大对麸质, 酵类, 米和红肉类的过敏,我特别制做了这道无麸质版的地瓜红萝卜健康蛋糕让它们三个都有得享用。看着它们吃得津津有味的样子,我想下次也来制做同一道‘加糖’的版本自己享用。 

Gluten Free Sweet Potato Carrot Cake

Ingredients 材料

70g Mashed Sweet Potato 地瓜泥
60g Grated Carrot 红萝卜丝
60g Tapioca Flour 木薯粉
15g Potato Flour 马铃薯粉
10g Corn Flour 玉米粉
1 Grade A Egg 鸡蛋(大)
1 Egg Yolk 蛋黄
60ml Olive Oil 橄榄有
1 Egg White 蛋清
10g Castor Sugar 幼糖
1/2 Fresh Apple 新鲜苹果

Method 做法

Preheat oven to 175C degrees.

Line and grease a 5" round cake mould.

Peel and wash yellow sweet potato. Cut into cubes and steam for 20 min until softened. Mashed and set aside.

In a clean and grease free bowl, beat egg white until stiff peaks. Set aside.

In another mixing bowl, combine egg yolk, egg and sugar. Whisk until light and fluffy.

Add grated carrot and mix well.

Loosen the mashed sweet potatoes into the egg carrot mixture and stir to combine.

Add flour ingredients and mix well.

Stir in oil and mix till incorporated.

Gently fold in the beaten egg whites till mixed.

Transfer cake batter into cake pan and decorate the top with apple slices and doggy treats.

Bake in the center rack of the preheated oven at 175C degrees for 35-40 mins until cooked.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.   

Monday, August 8, 2016

班兰椰浆菜燕 Pandan Coconut Agar Agar

This is actually a simple recipe which can be made with ease by using store bought packet coconut milk and pandan extract. Today I decided to be a little bit adventurous by making this yummy dessert by preparing the main ingredient from scratch while also giving me the opportunity to compare the taste difference.

Based on the satisfactory outcome, I concluded that this method using fresh coconut milk taste better  as the agar agar reminded me of the ones i had during my childhood days.

Pandan Coconut Agar Agar

Ingredients 材料

(A) Coconut Milk 椰浆

1 Fresh Coconut 鲜椰子一粒 (dice 切块 / grated 搅丝)
3-4 Cups Water 清水

Blend coconut with 3 cups water in blender on high speed to fully grind the coconut until the water turns milky in color.

Strain the mixture in a fine sieve to collect the first extract of the coconut milk. Refrigerate until ready to use.
过滤取出第一轮的浓椰浆, 冷藏待用。

Transfer the coconut residue into the blender again and blend with another cup of water to get the 2nd  extract of coconut. This will not be used in this recipe but for other cooking purpose later.

(B) Pandan Juice 班兰汁
9 Fresh Pandan Leaves 班兰叶
125ml Water 清水

Wash pandan leaves to remove dirt.

Cut pandan leaves into 1cm strips and transfer into a blender. Add 125ml of water and process until the leaves are pulverized.

Strain and squeeze the pandan extract over a strainer. Refrigerate until ready to use.
过滤取出班兰汁, 冷藏待用。

40g Agar Agar Powder 菜燕粉
100ml Water 清水
900ml Water 清水
4 pcs Pandan Leaves 班兰叶 (knotted 打结)
180g Sugar 糖
500ml Coconut Milk 浓椰 (A)
1 Tsp Salt 盐
90ml Pandan Juice 班兰汁 (B)

Instructions 做法

In pot filled with 900ml Water and pandan leaves, bring water to boil. Add sugar and stir until dissolved.

Dissolve agar agar powder into 100ml water. Transfer it into the boiling water and simmer under medium heat for 15 mins to combine.
在另一个小碗里,把菜燕粉与100ml 清水一起混合后转送入已烧滚水的锅内,焖煮15分钟直到菜燕完全融化为止。

Scoop 1/2 of the agar agar mixture from the pot and pour it into any prepared mould.
从锅里取出一半的菜燕汁倒入任何模具, 待凉。

Add coconut milk into the balance agar agar in the pot and continue to boil for 5 minutes. Add salt to combine. Remove from heat.

When the 1st agar agar layer has set, transfer 1/2 of the coconut agar agar mixture over the agar agar layer and allow to set.

Add 90ml pandan juice into the remaining coconut agar agar in the pot and stir to combine. Reheat the pandan coconut mixture and bring to a gentle boil. Remove from heat.

Once the 2nd layer of the coconut agar agar has set, gently pour the pandan coconut mixture over.

Chilled to set.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.   

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