Saturday, June 10, 2017

柠檬奶油蛋糕 Lemon Buttercream Cake

Tired of eating regular butter cakes?

This is one extremely refreshing cake for a change. The rich and lemony fragrant buttercream will further enhance the sweet aromas to tantalize your senses.

Lemon Buttercream Cake

Ingredients 材料

170g Butter 咸奶油 (soften to room temp 温室回温)
120g Castor Sugar 细砂糖
2 Grade A Eggs 打鸡蛋 (beaten 打散)
50g Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice 新鲜柠檬汁
2 Tsp Grated Lemon Zest 柠檬屑
170g Cake Flour 蛋糕粉

Lemon Buttercream 柠檬奶油霜 (B)
150g Unsalted Butter 无盐奶油 (soften to room temp 温室回温)
75g Icing Sugar 糖粉 (sifted 过沥)
30g Condensed Milk 炼奶
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract 香草精
2 Tsp Lemon Extract 柠檬精
23g Honey 蜜糖
3 Tbsp Milk 鲜奶

Directions 做法

Cream (A) butter with sugar until light and fluffy.

Add beaten eggs in 3 batches, ensure each addition is thoroughly mixed before adding.

Add lemon juice and zest ( do not mix at this stage)
把柠檬汁,柠檬屑一起混入 (此时不需要搅拌)。

Sift in cake flour and use a spatula to fold to combine together the lemon juice, zest and flour into a thick batter.

Transfer cake batter into a 30x10cm rectangular baking pan. Bake at the middle rack of the preheated oven at 180C degrees for approx 25 mins until the cake has fully risen and the top turn golden brown.

Allow the cake to cool before unmoulding.

Cream (B) butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy.

Add (B) condensed milk, vanilla extract, lemon extract and honey together to combine.

Add (B) milk and continue to beat until light and creamy.

Transfer the buttercream into a piping bag attached with any nozzle.

To assemble, slice the cool cake into 2-3 layers. Evenly cut the cake into any preferred size. Sandwich 3 pcs of cake together by piping (B) the lemon buttercream onto each layer. Repeat the process until all the cut pieces have been full assembled.

Refrigerate the piped cakes for 15 mins to set the cream.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Friday, June 9, 2017

绿茶奶油面包 Green Tea Custard Cream Bread

For the matcha enthusiasts, here is one soft and fluffy bread recipe which I recently adapted from several bread recipes to come up with. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Happy baking!

Green Tea Custard Cream Bread

Tangzong 汤种面糊 (A)
50g Bread Flour 面包粉
125g Water 清水
125g Milk 牛奶

Custard Cream 馅料 (B)
3 Egg Yolks 蛋黄
50g Castor Sugar 细砂糖
20g Low Protein Flour 低筋面粉
250ml Fresh Milk 鲜奶
15g Butter 奶油
1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract 香草精

Bread Dough 面包团 (C)
120g Overnight Tangzhong 隔夜汤种(A)
320g High Protein Flour 面包粉
7g Salt 盐
50g Castor Sugar 细砂糖
7g Instant Yeast 即融干酵母
240ml Milk 牛奶
1 Large Egg 大号鸡蛋

45g Unsalted Butter 无盐奶油

2 Tbsp Green Tea Powder 绿茶粉

Egg Wash 全蛋液

(G) Streusel Topping 酥菠萝 (Optional自选)
15g Sugar 砂糖
12g Butter 咸牛油
25g Bread Flour 高筋面粉

Method 做法

Combine (A) into a saucepan and cook over medium heat while stirring continuously until the mixture thickens to the constancy of baby porridge the tangzhong is deemed ready.

Transfer tangzhong paste into a clean bowl and place a piece of cling wrap directly onto the paste to prevent a film from forming on the surface. Allow the mixture to cool. Refrigerate for at least 12 hours before using.

Boil (B) milk and butter  together in a saucepan until melted. Add vanilla extract to combine. Set aside.
将B里的鲜和奶油一起混入锅用中小火煮至融, 加香草精混匀,离火搁置。

Combine and whisk (B) egg yolks, castor sugar and low protein flour together until mixed. Add the milk mixture while whisking continuously to thoroughly blend into the egg yolk mixture without over cooking the eggs. Drain and transfer the mixture back into the saucepan and cook under medium low heat until thickened before removing from heat.

Transfer the thickened custard cream into a bowl. Immediately place cling wrap directly onto the surface of the cream until fully covered up. Set aside to cool completely before transferring the cream into a piping bag. Refrigerate until ready to use.

With the exception of butter (D), combine 120g Tangzhong and (C) into a mixing bowl and knead until all ingredients are well combined.

Add in butter (D
) and continue kneading for approx 25-28 mins, until the dough becomes smooth and pass the window pane test.

Divide dough into 2 equal portions. One portion to remain as it is while the other portion to add with (E) green tea powder and knead till incorporated.

Place both doughs into separate (greased) bowls. Cover bowl with cling wrap and allow the dough to proof for 1-2 hours or until it doubled in size.

Mix sugar (G) and butter (G) until crumbles by using hands. Add in flour (G) and mix until crumbly. Refrigerate until ready to use.
用手将糖(F)及牛油(F)混合拌成粗粒状。又拌入面粉(F)搅拌成沙粒状, 然后放置冷藏备用。

Punch down both doughs. Divide the dough into 13 equal portions and mould it round. Let it rest for another 15 mins.
将两份面团用手压除气体,然后把面团平均分割成13等份, 滚圆盖上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜再让面团松弛15分钟.

Sprinkle the worktop with bread flour, flatten the plain dough into a disc and wrap in  the green tea dough. Seal the edges and mould round. Repeat the process for the balance 12 ps of dough.

Arrange the dough on baking tray line with greased parchment paper or silicon mat. Space the doughs 4 inches apart to make room for the doughs to expand. 

Spray some water over the surface with a fine mist nozzle. Final proof the bread in a unheated oven for another 50-60 mins.
将烤模放入未开火的烤箱中, 面团表面喷些水然后盖上烤箱门, 再侍发酵50-60分钟至两倍大。

8-10 Mins prior to baking time, remove baking pan from oven and turn on the oven heat to 180C degrees.
发酵好前8-10分钟, 将烤盘从烤箱中取出, 烤箱打开预热刊至180C度.

Apply egg wash (F) over the surface. Push the tip of the piping bag into the center of the dough and push in the custard cream (B) until it surface to the top. Sprinkle some streusel toppings (G) over the buns.

Bake at the 2nd bottom level of a preheated oven at 180C degrees for 16-17 mins until the top turns golden brown. 

Remove bread from oven and turn it out onto cooling rack to cool.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.
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