In return of her lovely gesture, I decided to bake her a bigger cake for her and family members. Indonesians love cheese, chocolate and strawberry flavored pastries hence I settled for making her a cheese cake instead.
This is a good recipe from Baking Mom with beautiful outcome and crack free nicely browned crust. I tried baking the bigger cake with water bath method and the other cake from the leftover batter with standard baking method. The water bath method was what her recipe stated for but since the big cake occupied a huge part of the baking tray while leaving no space for the smaller cake mould to fit it, thereby I simply place the smaller cake pan on on middle lower rack of the oven rack and bake normally.
这是一道相当成功的蛋糕食谱取致于Baking Mom,烘烤出来的蛋糕完美无裂而表面上色均匀好看极了!这道食谱的份量稍唯多了一点,因为想制做大一点的蛋糕但结果还剩下一小份的蛋糕糊我唯有再倒入另一个容量小一点的蛋糕模。那份大份的蛋糕采用隔水烘烤而另一份小的蛋糕却是采用普通烘烤方式。
这是一道相当成功的蛋糕食谱取致于Baking Mom,烘烤出来的蛋糕完美无裂而表面上色均匀好看极了!这道食谱的份量稍唯多了一点,因为想制做大一点的蛋糕但结果还剩下一小份的蛋糕糊我唯有再倒入另一个容量小一点的蛋糕模。那份大份的蛋糕采用隔水烘烤而另一份小的蛋糕却是采用普通烘烤方式。
As expected the regular baked cake peaked and cracked during baking but soon sank back to shape upon cooled. Overall I a quite happy with the outcome of both, but since the bigger cake was meant to be given away I wasn't able to slice the cake for photoshooting.
Cheddar Cheese Cake
Ingredients 材料
180g Cheddar Cheese 切达芝士
150g Salted Butter 咸牛油
150g Salted Butter 咸牛油
170ml UHT Milk 鲜奶
2 Tbsp Sugar 糖
10 Egg Yolks 蛋黄
1 Tbsp Lemon Essence 柠檬精
9 Egg Whites 蛋白
160g Castor Sugar 幼糖
1/2 Tsp Cream of Tartar 塔塔粉
2 Tsp Lemon Essence 柠檬精
Pinch of Salt 少许盐
Pinch of Salt 少许盐
150 Cake Flour 蛋糕粉
3/4 Tsp Baking Powder 发酵粉
Directions 做法
Combine ingredients (A) into a saucepan and melt the mixture over medium low heat. Continue stirring the mixture until melted. Set aside to cool.
In another big mixing bowl with egg yolks, whisk in the cooled cheese butter mixture (A) to combine. Add lemon essence till evenly mixed.
In another dry and grease free mixing bowl, use an electrical mixer to whisk the egg whites (C) until frothy, add in 1/2 of the sugar and continue beating until the mixture turns pale. Add in salt and cream of tartar and continue beating for several seconds before slowly adding in the balance sugar and lemon essence. Continue beating till stiff peaks form and the mixture thick and not runny.
Transfer 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk cheese batter and gently whisk in to incorporate. Transfer the balance egg whites mixture into the batter and fold to combine.
Sift in cake flour and baking powder into the mixture in 2 portions and gently fold while running the spatula along the bottom of the bowl and then up and over the batter to incorporate.
Transfer cake batter into a 8x12x2"D rectangular cake pan. Tap the cake pan on the counter top to release air bubbles.
Bake cake at the lowest bottom rack of a preheated oven at 160C degrees using water bath method for 50 mins.
Leave the baked cake in the oven with the door slightly ajar for 30 mins before inverting the baking pan onto the cooling rack to cool.
At the same time while baking the bigger cake using waterbath method, I place the other 5" cake in the middle lower baking tray above the waterbath cake and bake for 25-30mins until cooked.
在隔水烘烤那份大蛋糕的同时, 我也在烤箱的中下层加上个铁烤架,摆上另一个5寸模具装入的蛋糕糊烘烤25-30分钟至熟透即可。
At the same time while baking the bigger cake using waterbath method, I place the other 5" cake in the middle lower baking tray above the waterbath cake and bake for 25-30mins until cooked.
在隔水烘烤那份大蛋糕的同时, 我也在烤箱的中下层加上个铁烤架,摆上另一个5寸模具装入的蛋糕糊烘烤25-30分钟至熟透即可。
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