Brown Sugar Cinnamon Rolls
Carol Hu's "The Second Book of Baking for Beginners" was my first bread making and guide book when I first started exploring baking. The book had served me well as a self learner, providing me with a wealth of information with detailed written and pictorial instructions. Until today, I would still recommend this book to anyone who wish to pick up baking skills on their own. It is a must have starter book for beginners as the methods are very straight forward and recipes proven to yield good results.
Lately, I have been alternating between 周老师的美食教室 "天然手作麵包101道" by 周淑玲 and another book as reference for bread making. This book was given by an old old buddy of more than 20 years who took the trouble to go around books store to get me lots of good baking books. Unlike Carol's book which is packed with pictorial illustrations, this 周老师's book is less comprehensive but it compensates by bundling with one free DVD tutorials covering the necessary aspects of bread making.
For this bread, I opted for a No Knead Soft Bread Dough recipe as the base bread to compare it against other bread dough recipes which calls for considerable kneading works. This recipe derives its softness through its high content of oil and sugar, which are also essential factors in producing soft breads.
No Knead Soft Bread Dough 基本面围
270g Milk
4.5g Instant Yeast
450g High Protein Flour
90g Low Protein Flour
4.5g Salt
1 Large Egg
90g Unsalted Butter (melted)
Cinnamon Roll Filling
80g Dark Brown Sugar
Cinnamon Powder
Carol Hu's "The Second Book of Baking for Beginners" was my first bread making and guide book when I first started exploring baking. The book had served me well as a self learner, providing me with a wealth of information with detailed written and pictorial instructions. Until today, I would still recommend this book to anyone who wish to pick up baking skills on their own. It is a must have starter book for beginners as the methods are very straight forward and recipes proven to yield good results.
Lately, I have been alternating between 周老师的美食教室 "天然手作麵包101道" by 周淑玲 and another book as reference for bread making. This book was given by an old old buddy of more than 20 years who took the trouble to go around books store to get me lots of good baking books. Unlike Carol's book which is packed with pictorial illustrations, this 周老师's book is less comprehensive but it compensates by bundling with one free DVD tutorials covering the necessary aspects of bread making.
For this bread, I opted for a No Knead Soft Bread Dough recipe as the base bread to compare it against other bread dough recipes which calls for considerable kneading works. This recipe derives its softness through its high content of oil and sugar, which are also essential factors in producing soft breads.

270g Milk
4.5g Instant Yeast
450g High Protein Flour
90g Low Protein Flour
4.5g Salt
1 Large Egg

Cinnamon Roll Filling
80g Dark Brown Sugar
Cinnamon Powder
- Combine all ingredients into a mixing bowl. Use the end of a flat rolling pin to stir the contents with each addition until incorporated.
- Add in melted butter and continue using the tip end of the flat rolling pin to stir the dough for 5-6 mins until combine and the dough becomes soft and elastic. (I did not complete the entire process but rather dump the dough into the stand mixer and allow the mixer to do the kneading. According to the recipe, if one prefers to knead using this 'no knead' formula, the outcome of the bread would be even better and chewy).
- Place dough into a slightly grease bowl. Sprinkle water on the dough and cover the bowl with cling wrap. Place the bowl in a warm area and allow it to proof for 60 mins for until double in size.

- Punch down the dough. Divide and roll the dough into 2 equal parts. Cover and allow to rest for 10 mins.
- Lightly dust the work top with bread flour.
- Flatten dough and roll into rectangle shape of 16x12cm of 5-6mm thickness.
- Evenly spread sugar over the rectangle dough and follow by cinnamon powder (adjust dosage based on preference).
- Lightly spray a thin coat of water over the dough to allow the sugar to stick onto the dough. Roll up the dough (beginning from the long side) into a long roulade and pinch to seal the seams securely.
- Cut 8 equal size rolls and arrange side up on a greased baking pan.
- Repeat the same for the other half dough to create another 8 equal size rolls to be arranged onto the same baking pan.
- Cover and allow the dough to proof for another 50 mins.
- Apply egg wash over the cinnamon doughs. Sprinkle another thin layer of brown sugar over the doughs.
- Bake the rolls on the 2nd lowest level of a preheated oven at 180C degrees for 20-22 mins.
Your cinnamon rolls looks wonderful! I would love to have Carol's books, but they are all in Chinese language, and I have problem with that! Hopefully her future books will be published in bilingual!
Yeah true, although I was formerly from Chinese high school but had long since been soaked in the world of business and work correspondence for more than 20 years. And now going back to reading and understanding Chinese would take longer time for me to register the entire meaning of each sentence :P. These days, I would copy the ingredients from Carol's website and use google translate. It may not be 100% correct, but together with the pictorials and the correct ingredients, you could still make up something.
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