I begin to relish in the freedom of lesser attachments. Ultimately, when the day comes we would still depart this world empty handed, like the way we arrived when we were born. With that realization in mind, I slowly learned to let go of the years of accumulated negative emotional feelings which I willingly trapped myself into. Once I change my perception of people, seeing the goodness in each person rather than through the lens of my ego, I begin to feel less agitated and are at peace finally.

While making the skin/ crust, I discovered that corn syrup can also be used to in place of the golden syrup which is a stipulated active ingredient. It wasn't deliberate but I was late to notice the depleting state of the golden syrup at home and I was already in the midst of preparation. Thankfully, the corn syrup also helps to bind the flour intact for the fillings and shaping.
The use of 3-in-1 instant white coffee mix was a deliberate move as I wanted to enhance the flavor of the mooncake. As for the salted egg yolks, I had to buy the raw preserved salted eggs and remove the yolk and steam it together with some soy sauce and sesame oil for 10mins. Another precious lesson learnt through youtube on how to cook and prepare the salted egg yolks.

Recipe adapted from 花前月下by Alan Ooi
(Good for 14-15 pcs of 100g Mooncakes)
For the Skin (A)
200g Low Protein Flour
25g (1 Packet) of Super 3-in-1 White Coffee Mix
160 Golden Syrup (I use 70g Golden Syrup and 90g Corn syrup)
42g Canola Oil
4ml Alkaline Water
For the Filling / Paste (B)
1kg Mung Bean Lotus Paste (Store bought)
3 Tbsp Melon Seeds
Salted Egg Yolks (optional)
Egg Wash (for coating)
Combine all ingredients (A) and mix to form a smooth dough. Cover with cling wrap and chill in the fridge for 2 days.
Mix melon seed with lotus paste (B) until even. Divide filling into 75-80g each and shape them round. Set aside.
Dust work table with flour. Divide dough into 35g each and shape them into round balls.
Flatten dough and place filling onto center of dough. Wrap dough over the filling and shape into round ball. Dust some flour into the 6cmx6cmx3.5cmH square mooncake mould as well as coat the wrapped rounded dough with flour.
Firmly press the ball into the mould and gently knock / press out (depending on the type of mould you use) the mooncake and place them on the tray laced with preferably, non stick baking mat or parchment paper.
Lightly spray sprinkles of water onto the mooncakes before baking. Bake in a preheated oven of 175C degrees for 10 minutes.
Remove the baking tray from oven and allow the mooncakes to cool completely between 10-15 minutes before applying egg wash onto the top.
Transfer the mooncakes back into the oven and bake again for another 13-15 mins until golden brown.
Store the mooncakes in a air tight container for minimum 2 days for 回油 mooncakes to soften before serving.
Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.
This post is linked to Cook Your Books Event #24hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours
Hi Coco,
Your mooncake looks wonderful! I have not made mooncakes in decades! Prices of mooncakes have sky-rocket and there's lots of different flavours each year! Somehow the best ones are still the lotus paste and tau-sar! :)
Thanks for linking!
Hi Joyce,
Yes indeed the prices of mooncakes these days somehow seem overly inflated considering the actual preparation work involved. If one compared against the chinese dumplings 粽子, then the latter deserves the price hike justification as its more labor intensive and longer preparation plus cooking time. If you ask me, I would rather spend RM6.00 (what I paid for last week from the vendor) on the chinese dumpling than payment RM10-20 on mooncake. Especially when I am vegan and my maid muslim, its just too much hassle to put all the time to make several dumplings.
I totally agree with you the best ones are still the lotus paste and tau sar mooncakes. Have a great day and thanks for giving inspirations to many our there with your wonderful recipes.
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