我们领养了一年多的北京犬Cookie上周刚满三岁。这是我第二次为它制作的蛋糕,同时也是一个无麸质版的健康蛋糕。这主要是为了配合家中已年老而又天生遗传对多种食物过敏的西丝犬Lady Coco 所特别配制的配方。它自小就不能服食许多商业贩卖的狗粮,多年来都是吃家里特别准备的食物。
Instead of making something fancy for Cookie, I decided to come up with this simple and down to earth recipe which I also intentionally created for a very close buddy who wants to make a cake for her pooch's coming birthday.
According to my maid, the cake is soft and yummy. Good enough for human consumption and tempting enough to my 3 wonderful furry baby girls.
Happy Birthday Cookie! May you always be blessed with good health, vitality and joy!
Ingredients 材料 (A)
50g Red Beans 红豆
125g Sweet Potatoes 红薯 (cubed切丁)
100g Brown Sugar 红糖
50g Thick Coconut Milk 椰浆
50g Corn Oil 玉米油
2 Large Eggs 大号的鸡蛋
50g Tapioca Flour 木薯分
50g Potato Flour 马铃薯粉
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder 发酵粉
Method 做法
Soak red beans overnight. Drain and boil with sufficient water until tender. Drain and set aside.
Combine and sieve the flour ingredients (B) together. Set aside.
Boil sweet potatoes in a pot with sufficient water under medium heat for 10-12 mins until tender. Drain。
Preheat oven at 175C degrees.
While the boiled sweet potatoes are still warm, transfer it together with the cooked red bean into a food processor and using pulse until coarsely blended. Add in sugar and eggs and continue to blend into paste. Add coconut milk to be followed by oil.
Continue mixing the batter until combined. Stir in the flour mixture and give the batter another 10-15 secs of whirl until incorporated.
Transfer batter into prepared 5" muffin liners / cups and bake in a preheat oven at 170C degrees for 20-22 mins or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up ~ August 2015
Event Theme : Brown Sugar and Molassses
organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY
and hosted by Jess of Bakericious
- See more at: http://www.bakeforhappykids.com/#sthash.2eI3wlRb.dpuf
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