I fell in love with Kuih Talam ever since the first I took the first bite as a kid. Whenever I came across this sweet and semi savory kuih I would definitely buy and eat it almost immediately. There are lots of good Kuih Talam recipes out there to choose from should one decides to make their own. However, many of the recipes uses alkaline water (which I am perfectly ok with) to make a firmer kuih texture, but leaving an aftertaste which might be discouraging to some people. Coincidentally, the recipe I was using call for the use eggs for the green pandan layer, which, is a no no for me since I am a vegan.
The last time I tried making Kuih Talam was more than 2 years ago hence this time round I decided to integrate and adapt today's kuih from 2 of my favorite (and also frequently used) asian kuihs and desserts recipe book to create this delicious vegan version of Talam Kuih to reach out to more people.
Recipe adapted from Delicious Nyonya Kueh & Desserts by Patricia Lee and Aromas of Kuihs by Amy Wong.
记得我上回制做原味打南糕是两年多前,因此今次便结合了两本我最常用的糕点食谱书籍 ‘Patricia Lee 著的娘惹风味糕点‘ 和 黄春梅著的’层层糕粿香‘来制做出自己喜爱即全素的打南糕。希望这个全素版的打南糕给更多的人。
The kuih came out soft but with firm texture that melts in the mouth. Totally satisfied with this combination!

Tapioca Talam (Vegan)
Ingredients 材料 (A)
450g Tapioca 木薯 (cubed 切丁)
100g Young Grated Coconut 嫩椰丝
100g Cooked Sago 熟沙谷 (Optional勿必用)
200g Palm Sugar 椰糖
100ml Water 清水
4 Pieces Pandan Leaves 班兰叶

1/2 Tsp Salt盐
700ml Water 清水
100g Corn Flour 玉米粉
30g Tepung Hun Kwe / Green Bean Starch 绿豆澄粉
600ml Coconut Milk 椰浆
Method 做法
Blend cut tapioca and grated coconut from ingredients (A) in a food processor until fine. Set aside.
Rinse uncooked sago (A) under cold water for 10 seconds. Transfer the rinsed sago into a pot of boiling water and cook until sago turned translucent. Remove and immediately rinse the cooked sago under cold water to prevent it from clumping. Add sago into the tapioca mixture and combine.
Combine ingredients (B) in a pot and cook till sugar dissolves. Discard pandan leaves and filter. Transfer the cooked palm sugar syrup into the blended tapioca coconut sago mixture (A) and mix thoroughly.
Grease an 8-9 inch square mould or any muffin tart moulds. Pour the tapioca batter into any mould until its half full. Steam over medium heat for 15mins (muffin tart moulds) or 30-35mins (8-9 inch Square mould).
準备好8-9寸的方模或小松饼挞模,模里涂上少许油脂。倒入木薯面糊至半分满,以中火蒸15分钟(松饼挞模)或 30-35分钟( 8-9寸方模)至熟为止 。
While waiting for the base layer to cook, prepare the top layer by boiling sugar, salt and water from ingredients (C) in a saucepan until melted.
Combine ingredients (B) in a pot and cook till sugar dissolves. Discard pandan leaves and filter. Transfer the cooked palm sugar syrup into the blended tapioca coconut sago mixture (A) and mix thoroughly.
Grease an 8-9 inch square mould or any muffin tart moulds. Pour the tapioca batter into any mould until its half full. Steam over medium heat for 15mins (muffin tart moulds) or 30-35mins (8-9 inch Square mould).
準备好8-9寸的方模或小松饼挞模,模里涂上少许油脂。倒入木薯面糊至半分满,以中火蒸15分钟(松饼挞模)或 30-35分钟( 8-9寸方模)至熟为止 。
While waiting for the base layer to cook, prepare the top layer by boiling sugar, salt and water from ingredients (C) in a saucepan until melted.
In a separate mixing bowl, combine coconut milk, corn flour and mung bean flour from (D) together and stir well. Pour this mixture into the sugar syrup (C) mixture. Cook over low heat until batter thickens slightly. Keep stirring non stop while cooking.
Pour batter onto the steamed tapioca layer and steam over medium low heat for 15mins (muffin tart moulds) or 35-40mins (8-9 inch Square mould). Open the steam cooker lid every 5 mins during the cooking.
把面糊倒入已蒸熟的木薯表层上,以中火蒸15分钟(松饼挞模)或 35-40分钟( 8-9寸方模)至熟为止 。每5分钟须提起蒸炉蓋一次再蓋回继续蒸至熟透。
Allow to cool for 2-3 hours before cutting.
In a separate mixing bowl, combine coconut milk, corn flour and mung bean flour from (D) together and stir well. Pour this mixture into the sugar syrup (C) mixture. Cook over low heat until batter thickens slightly. Keep stirring non stop while cooking.
Pour batter onto the steamed tapioca layer and steam over medium low heat for 15mins (muffin tart moulds) or 35-40mins (8-9 inch Square mould). Open the steam cooker lid every 5 mins during the cooking.
把面糊倒入已蒸熟的木薯表层上,以中火蒸15分钟(松饼挞模)或 35-40分钟( 8-9寸方模)至熟为止 。每5分钟须提起蒸炉蓋一次再蓋回继续蒸至熟透。
Allow to cool for 2-3 hours before cutting.
Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.
This post is linked to Cook Your Books Event #26 hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours
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