The month of Oct and Nov this year were the most hectic months for me. I was busy travelling with my husband either on holiday or making numerous trips back to KL to attend to events and running of errands in preparation for the forthcoming house renovation in Malaysia. As much as I would like to share and update my blog with new recipes, I was too lethargic to do so.
We just got back from KL for a week and after a whole week of lounging at home with the day to day cooking, my hubby finally asked me when would he get to taste something home bake again. Seeing that he will be commencing another one week business traveling tomorrow, I finally get down to baking mode.
Since I have not been making cheesecake for a while, I decided to settle for this lovely recipe from one of my favorite bloggers Ancoo Journal.
好吧,既然我已久没制造奶油乳酪蛋糕,那就来弄个奶油乳酪蛋糕。食谱取自于我很欣赏的博客 Anncoo Journal。
Chocolate Marble Cream Cheesecake
Recipe adapted from Anncoo Journal

Ingredients 材料 (A)
375g Cream Cheese at room temp 奶油乳酪(室内回温)
65g Castor Sugar 细糖
5 Tbsp Whipping Cream 奶油
2 Medium Eggs 鸡蛋(中)
1-1/2 Tbsp Self Raising Flour 速发面粉
375g Salted Butter 咸奶油, softened at room temp (室内回温)
165g Castor Sugar 细糖
7 Medium Eggs 鸡蛋(中)
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract 香草精
255g Self Raising Flour 速发面粉
6 Tbsp Cocoa Powder 可可粉
5Tbsp Milk 牛奶
5 Tbsp Whipping Cream 奶油
Directions 做法
Line base and grease sides of a 22x22x7cmD square baking pan with parchment paper.
Preheat oven to 160C degrees.
Sieve the dry ingredients from (B). Combine self raising flour together with the cocoa powder. Set aside.
Sieve the dry ingredients from (B). Combine self raising flour together with the cocoa powder. Set aside.
In a mixing bowl, combine and beat softened cream cheese and castor sugar from (A) until smooth.
Add whipping cream and mixed until combined before adding eggs. Continue mixing until smooth and fluffy. Stir in self raising flour until combined. Set aside.
For ingredients (B), combine softened butter and castor sugar into another mixing bowl and beat until pale and fluffy. Gradually add one egg to combine follow by another egg. Repeat the process until eggs are evenly mixed into the batter.
Add in vanilla extract, milk and whipping cream until combined.
Using a spatula, fold in sifted cocoa and flour mixture in 2 - 3 portions into the (B) butter mixture and mix well. Add extra milk if batter is too dry to handle.
Pour half portion of chocolate batter (B) into the prepared baking pan and spread evenly.
Spoon in the cream cheese mixture (A) over the chocolate batter (B). Lastly add in the balance of the chocolate batter over the cream cheese mixture and level.
Use a chopstick and swirl around the batter to create marble effect.
Bake the cake in the middle rack of the preheated oven at 160C degrees for 40mins. Lower the temperature to 150C and bake for another 20-30 mins or until the skewer inserted comes out clean.
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